Topiary is a fantastic option for a range of garden sizes and shapes..
What is topiary?
Topiary is the art of training and close clipping of shrubs and plants into decorative shapes and forms of your creating. Topiary has been around since the Roman times and probably dates even further back than that.
Is topiary suitable for my garden?
Topiary can be used in any size or style of garden from stately homes to small courtyard gardens or even on your balcony. They can add incredible shape and variety through a selection of heights, colours and textures and designed in styles, such as parterres, mazes & labyrinths or even knot gardens.
At the nursery we stock a selection of topiary’s and have something to suit everyone.
Below are a few of the topiary options that we stock, to see the full collection please follow the link
Euonymus japonicus ‘Bravo’ – Half Standard Tree
Euonymus japonicus ‘Bravo’ is a dense, bushy, evergreen shrub with dark green, variegated leaves that have an irregular, creamy-white margin. Great for a present or gift, and commonly used to form topiary shapes that bring added height, dimension and colour to the garden, the easy to maintain 1/2 standards will make an attractive architectural feature in small formal gardens, patio containers or pots by doors and pathways.

Cupressus sempervirens
Cupressus sempervirens ‘Pyramidalis’ is a fast-growing, evergreen conifer with a narrowly columnar habit and dark green, aromatic foliage. Reaching a mature height of 15m and a mature spread of 3m the Italian cypress can be planted to create a delicate feel in courtyard and formal gardens.

Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Pom – Pom’
Easily clipped, this pom-pom has been beautifully trimmed in order to create an unusual architectural feature. King and Co offer both green Leylandii ‘pom – poms’ in addition to varieties such as ‘Castewellan Gold’ which develops yellow and gold foliage throughout the Spring and Summer months.

Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castewellan Gold’ Spiral
Cupressocyparis leylandii ‘Castlewellan Gold’ is an evergreen tree with flat sprays of light green, scalelike, foliage that develops a yellow and gold tinge throughout the spring and summer months, turning slightly darker in the winter. Easily clipped, this spiral has been beautifully trimmed in order to create an unusual architectural feature.

Topiary Balls and Cones
Ilex crenata ‘Kinme’ is a compact evergreen shrub with dark green, ovate leaves, which emerge lighter green before darkening. Box leaved Holly, as the name suggests, is almost identical in looks to Box and is a great substitute. This shrub also has the added benefit of not being affected by either box blight or box moth caterpillar. The topiary shapes hold their form very well and only require minimal clipping each year.

Photinia Red Robin – Half Standard Tree
This 1/2 standard has a 90-100cm clear stem and a 40-50cm diameter head of foliage, with a globular shape that can be kept neat and small by clipping and shaping, or it can be left to grow out to create a larger sphere or an attractive small tree.