Native Hedging Plants

A mix of Native Hedge Plants supplied in pots for you to easily create an instant mature UK hedgerow. Instant hedges are also a great way to create immediate good size screening, privacy or boundaries fast when time is of the essence.

These varieties are listed throughout the site separately but grouped together here for those wishing to just grow a hedge or specimens of native species. These plants are all native so there should be one to cope well with almost any site and soil. They can be grown tall and unclipped for a field boundary or clipped and formal for an impenetrable garden hedge. Native plants will grow into great hedges and cover providing great benefits for our wildlife which ever size it is grown to. When used as a full size hedge the seasonal effect each of the varieties can be truly appreciated.

Holly has small white spring flowers followed by red fruit on female plants. Spikey, glossy green leaves provide great cover for birds and great screening for us providing an intruder proof hedge when mature.

Hornbeam has lush green spring and summer foliage and clips into a great hedge. Some autumn leaves are held right through winter. A great option for clay soils.

Beech, both green and purple varieties will create a great hedge and again hold autumn leaves through winter months. great on lighter free draining soils.

The Dog wood will have clusters of small white flowers in April –May again followed by small berries and excellent autumn shades of red on the leaves. We usually stock several different stem colour varieties.

The Hazel will be adorned with long catkins or ‘lambs tails’ in very early spring followed by the nuts in autumn which are very tasty if you can beat the squirrels.

Hawthorn (if available) will have masses of white flowers in May followed by small red berries in autumn much loved by Thrushes. The dense growth and thorns make this a good choice for security.

Being in planters these are great for year round planting unlike the smaller bare root hedging plants which are only available from November to March which means you can plant when you need and eliminate the need to wait until the winter.

A great way for a fast and native hedge with great benefits for nature.