King and Co are delighted to retain their Plant Healthy certification for another year.
King and Co are now a Plant Healthy certified Plant Nursery, retail and trade outlet, which now provides even more peace of mind that all of our trees and plants are sourced, grown, handled and treated with the upmost care with respect to biosecurity.
Why plant healthy?
The Plant healthy scheme aims to protect the horticultural industry, other cultivated plants and natural habitats by reducing the risk of introducing or spreading destructive plant pests through the supply chain. It is now becoming an increasingly frequent requirement for supply tenders for tree and hedge planting schemes in the UK.
What does this mean for King and Co Customers?
King and Co are in regular contact with DEFRA and APHA to ensure the Nursery is up to date with the latest plant health regulations, such as the Oak Processionary Moth (OPM) movement restrictions that are in place in London and surrounding counties such as Essex. This means the Nursery is able to be dynamic and ensure its trees, plants and garden centre material are protected – meaning customers ultimately receive healthy trees and shrubs.
The scheme examines the Nursery’s processes from grower to garden. The certification is evidence that we are voluntarily following best industry practices.
View King and Co’s Plant Healthy Certificate of Conformity for 2023-24 here.