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Countryside Stewardship BN11 Hedging

Our Countryside Stewardship hedging plants all meet the specification of BN11 and BN7.

King and Co are able to provide UK native hedging species well below the grant amount per metre.

Why should farmers plant hedges?

Whilst the countryside stewardship grants make excellent financial sense, both arable and livestock farmers can benefit from planting new hedgerows. Arable farmers can boost the pollinators and beneficial predators around the field perimeter. Livestock farmers can create shade, shelter and a natural boundary.

Environmentally, new hedges can reduce flood risk by increasing drainage as well as capturing and storing carbon. The countryside stewardship hedging incentive is a great way to boost bio-diversity. Contact King and Co via the form below, email or call 01376 340 469 for help and advice.

bn11 hedging

BN11: Planting New Hedges

Plants under BN11 Specification:

  • Must be 450mm to 600mm high.
  • Planted at 6 plants per metre in a double staggered row.
  • Need to be native species, with no one species making up more than 70% of the total.
  • Planted between 1st November and 31st March.

King and Co’s BN11 Stewardship hedging mix is mainly based on Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), with the addition of UK Native species such as Field Maple (Acer campestre), Spindle (Euonymus europaeus), Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) and Crab Apple (Malus sylvestris) to name a few. We can however make a custom mix depending on the specification of your chosen grant.

Read more on BN11 Countryside Stewardship Grants.

BN7: Hedgerow gapping-up

Plants under BN7 Specification:

  • Must be 450mm to 600mm high.
  • Planted at 6 plants per metre in a double staggered row.
  • Need to be native species, with no one species making up more than 70% of the total.
  • Planted between 1st November and 31st March.

It is available for Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier, Higher Tier and Capital Grants on planted boundary lines of shrubs that are:

  • Over 20m long
  • Less than 5m wide between major woody stems at the base
  • Made up of at least 80% native shrubs
  • When the applicant has “management control” of both sides of the boundary.

Read more on BN7 Countryside Stewardship Grants.

Frequently Asked Questions

How should I plant the new hedge?

Watch our video on ‘notch’ planting to help plant your hedge quickly and efficiently. Make sure to ‘heel-in’ tightly for good soil/root contact.

How should I protect the newly planted hedge?

Fence off the plants if sheep, cattle or horses graze the land. If the area has a rabbit or hare problem, use biodegradable spiral guards.

Can this hedging be used with Countryside Stewardship Mid Tier, Higher Tier and Capital Grants?


What are competitive weeds?

Competitive weeds such as brambles, nettles and grasses all compete with your new plants for moisture, nutrients and light. Weeds around new planting significantly reduces growth rate.

Can you plant my hedge for me?

King and Co can plant your hedge for you, if you are local to the Nursery.

When should I apply herbicide to prepare the planting area?

Apply herbicide in a 1.5m strip in the August or September prior to planting only. This is to reduce competition for the new hedge plants.

Contact us for BN7 and BN11 Hedging

    What is 7 + 8

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    Shopping online

    You can buy trees, hedging, shrubs and topiary online by browsing our website.
    If you do not see a plant or size that is suitable for you then please call as we stock a wide variety of plants in our tree nursery. It’s worth noting that many other websites sell other people’s stock (i.e. they act as an agent) so you cannot view the products at their own site. At King & Co, all of our advertised plants are available for viewing at our tree nursery in Rayne, near Braintree, situated just over an hours drive out of London.

    Our knowledgeable and experienced tree nursery staff are always contactable via phone on 01376 340469 or if you have any questions regarding any of our trees or accessories.

    If you cannot see what you require on our website, please complete the enquiry form. We will give it our urgent attention and will get back to you shortly with a solution that meets your needs.


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