Walnut (Juglans)

Walnut trees are large and majestic trees and are best suited to large gardens and parkland as they need room to grow.

Greenish yellow male and female flowers are borne separately on the same tree in late spring and early summer.

The fruits are ovoid or spherical, initially green, ripening to brown and contain edible nuts with hard, furrowed shells, great to eat if you can beat the squirrels!

Prized for both timber and their fruits (walnuts) these are great trees to add to any collection.

We offer both black (nigra) and white (regia) Walnuts, here at our Essex nursery, which are very similar but distinguished by a few characteristics.

Juglans nigra is a large, spreading tree with large pinnate, green serrated leaves and distinctive furrowed grey-black bark.

Juglans regia is slightly smaller, but still a large tree, and has a rounded crown with heavy branches, the leaves are pinnate but have smooth edges.


Both will grow in most soils but needs room as they are such big trees.

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