Dawn Redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides)

Metasequoia glyptostroboides is a deciduous conifer with a pyramidal crown structure and a vertical trunk.  The foliage of soft, flat needles is bright green and will turn russet brown before falling in autumn.

Dawn redwood naturally grow with a feathered stem but this can be made into a clear trunk standard when tall enough to crown lift.

These superb trees are ideal for avenues or just a specimen tree in medium to large gardens and parks.

When first planted Metasequoia requires moist soils but will grow in all nearly soils once established.

This tree was only know in fossils until it was rediscovered in China in the early 1940’s and has since been used extensively in gardens parks and street plantings.

We not only offer the green leaved variety but when available we can supply Metasequoia glyptostroboides ‘Aurea’ or ‘Goldrush’ which has bright yellow leaf growth through spring and summer which turns to orange brown in autumn before falling.

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